Sign up and get a free E-book on Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Get to the root of your seasonal allergies

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

I used to start suffering from itchy eyes, sneezing and a runny nose from early February when the hazelnut trees began to blossom.

I know how you can be so excited about spring, yet still be so depressed because you can't enjoy going outside without feeling terrible. So I’m really excited to share how I freed myself from seasonal allergies (including skin allergies and asthma), without needing even natural remedies and how you can do this too.

Join my Mini-Masterclass on Reversing Seasonal Allergies using Functional Medicine, where I'll be teaching you all I know about how it happens in your body, and the exact steps you can take to reverse it for good. When you register you will also receive my free E-book on Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies.

Thursday 6th May 8-9pm CET (Zurich time)

Online via Zoom (link upon registration)

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